
Chinese cell phone users will be required to scan their faces into a mass governmental face log going forward.

Well, this is the beginning of a disaster, because though this absurd policy is only starting in China, it will undoubtedly follow elsewhere until, ultimately, it’s normalized around the globe.

What ever happened to privacy? It’s like, as technology advances, it offers us liberation, yet we tend to use it for political helicopter-parenting.

I think I’m going to switch back to a burner phone, honestly. I don’t want to be trackable.

Screw it—I’m going back even further—I’m just going to write handwritten letters attached to pigeons.

I want to go off the grid completely.

Though I totally get the point of having a social security number, I almost wish I was born and raised into a life of crime so that I wouldn’t have one. That’s how they keep tabs on us, you know.

There’s pretty much a giant book listing all living people now, and it’s virtually impossible to get your name taken off. It’s easier to just stay off in the first place.

I wish there was a stateless, lawless, anarchical, Marxist state, preferably an island, where people could go to live and raise their children. I would raise my children without birth certificates, SSNs, names, etc.

Nobody would know who we are or where we are.

I’d teach them a totally made-up language, just to see what happens.

I don’t know about you guys, but that sounds like paradise to me.  🙂

Until next time,

Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder