Today, I was staring at a guy’s neck for probably 2 full minutes.
(I never thought I’d start a Daily Clot post with that sentence, but here we are, I guess.)
Anyway—so there I was, staring at his neck, thinking to myself, “necks are absolutely crucial for survival, but they’re always so exposed to threats.”
Think about it.
Aside from Steve Jobs, pretty much everybody you’ve ever met has had their neck totally exposed to you.
How can something so important to keeping your life be so open to attack? Like, when you’re walking around, somebody could come up behind you at any time wielding a shoelace that they just hastily ripped out of their Converse and CHOKE YOU WITH IT!
You NEED your neck, but you always leave it out there in the open for any old stooge to lunge for with their grubby paws.
For this reason, I keep razor blades in all my shirt collars, facing upwards. Obviously, this means I can’t move my head around even a little bit (or I get injured pretty badly), but if anyone were to try to take me out, they’d lose their hands before I lose my life.
This gives me enough time to slap them on their bald domes (stranglers are ALWAYS bald—believe me) and casually jog away (stranglers are always fat, too—no sprinting necessary) before they have a chance to finish me off.
Until next time,
Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder