
I just bought a loaf of bread at Panera—nothing else.

And what did the cashier ask me?

“To stay or to go, sir?”


Do you really think I’m going to order a loaf of bread “to-stay,” sit down, and demolish an entire Asiago Cheese Loaf in one sitting?

Part of me wanted to say “I’ll stay” just to escalate the situation until she could finally gauge the absurdity of her question.

Unfortunately, I simply let out an instinctual chuckle and said, “oh, this is to-go.”

She remained totally expressionless.

Did she really think I could’ve pulled that off?

We’ll never know.

I wish I sat down and bit right into that loaf, with my unblinking eyes staring at this cashier until the loaf was all gone.

Until next time,

Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder