I hate running for trains.
Had I woken up 3 minutes earlier, I’d currently be enjoying a leisurely saunter rather than a hectic all-our sprint to the train.
Man, now people are watching me, thinking to themselves, “oh, geez. I hope he makes it…” and I don’t like that. I don’t want the pity.
You know, come to think of it, waking up 3 minutes earlier wouldn’t have helped. What really did the damage this morning was the fact that I played 20 minutes of Angry Birds on my phone after my alarm went off.
Had I only played 19 minutes of Angry Birds, I’d currently be “just jogging” to the train.
18 minutes—I’d be walking. BRISKLY—but still walking.
17 minutes—leisurely walk.
16 minutes—full-on saunter.
15 minutes—full-on saunter plus the occasional moonwalk during the walk, just for fun.
5 minutes—full-on saunter, plus the moonwalking just for fun, PLUS the stop at Dunkin Donuts to get a bagel and coffee on the drive.
Why do we make life difficult for ourselves?
Make small adjustments and overcoming life’s challenges will become streamlined.
0 minutes of Angry Birds and I could’ve read all of War & Peace.
I could have gained knowledge of incalculable value, but instead I used a virtual slingshot to launch a series of exotic birds at little green pigs.
Until next time,
Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder