Why do we have so many different fonts?
We only need one.
The world only needs ONE font.
We don’t need 1,000 different configurations of every letter in the English alphabet.
Whoever invented English—that’s the guy/girl who has us all covered. Just go by his/her font. I’m sure he/she had his/her reasons for each letter’s shape.
Every font that’s not the first font is just a contrived copycat.
Every artist who’s created a “new” font should seriously consider spending his/her time in a way that doesn’t STEAL from someone else. Draw a new picture; don’t draw a new alphabet. There’s already an excess of fonts as it is.
We only needed one, but we have over 300,000.
299,999 artists out there are thieves and ne’er-do-wells.
Until next time,
Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder