So, there’s 2 Chinas.
Did you know that?
There’s “The People’s Republic of China” (which is CHINA), and then there’s “The Republic of China” (which is Taiwan).
What the hell is that?
China A (CHINA) was like, “yo, you’re part of us. It’s cool, dawg.”
So, China B (TAIWAN) was like, “well, no. We’re our own sort of ‘unit’ and you’re just a bunch of commies that copied us, so we left the motherland. Real China is wherever WE are.”
So, China A was basically like, “I mean, WE are China—but you can be a province that is part of us if you want.”
Then, China B was all like, “Bi*ch, was I—did I not make myself clear?”
So, the UN was finally like, “I gotcha, China B. Hear ya loud and clear. We’ll call you ‘Taiwan.’”
And China B was like, “No, we want to be called ‘China.’”
So, China A and the UN were like, “well, no—you left China. You’re gonna be ‘Taiwan’ now instead.”
So, Taiwan was like, “Fine, but we’re also gonna be called ‘The Republic of China.’”
And China A and the UN were like, “lmao OK.”
Until next time,
Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder