
I just realized that the last two posts ended with pictures of me photoshopped on relatively large animals (camel, cow). I figure, if Jesus waited 3 days to resurrect, I’d better photoshop myself on another relatively large animal one last time to squeeze that third and final day in there.

Therefore, I dedicate today’s post to possibly my least favorite animal: the rhino.

Let me start by saying this: rhinos are endangered, a fact that I’m very thankful for.

I wish they were extinct, if I’m being totally honest.

Look, many animals are endangered that I wish weren’t (species of tigers, panda bears, sea turtles, etc.). That being said, rhinos are jerks. Babar the Elephant and Spyro both fought evil rhinos. They’re just fat jerks.

“Oh, look at me with this horn on my head. I’m so intimidating.”

Yeah, well Spyro knocks you on your dumb little tookus after just a single fire-breath, so you’re not as strong as you think. Spyro isn’t even a big dragon! You should be ashamed of yourselves and your inflated egos.

When it comes down to it, you’re just slobby unicorns, and nobody likes you.

Here’s my message to all rhinos—go die.

Until next time,

Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder