I think that, of all the professions, even the illegal ones, I have the least respect for veterinarians.
It’s like, “so, I want to go to school to learn how to help the living, but only animals. As for people, eh. Somebody else can help people. We need people to save frogs’ lives.”
What the hell is that about?
Why would anyone choose, when given the option, to go to school to help animals instead of people?
Look, I understand not wanting to be a doctor or nurse. Obviously, there are other jobs out there that need to be done. We need accountants, lawyers, garbagemen, firemen, politicians, etc. That being said, if you DO feel called to become a doctor or nurse, why would you decide to specialize in ANIMALS instead of PEOPLE?
Animals are DUMB.
People are SMART.
The lives of animals (I hate to break this to you all) are virtually worthless. The lives of people are far more valuable.
Help the people, eat the animals.
Let’s just eat all the animals.
We’ll make all animals go extinct from eating them.
Until next time,
Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder