
Well, Stephen and one of our sisters went on vacation to California this week, without me.

Funny, considering Stephen’s entire life is basically already an extended vacation, but whatever.

But Michael J. Erickson, why did they go without you?

They told me before they left that somebody had to stay back and manage Bloodclot Films while they’re gone, which makes sense I suppose. A car cannot operate without a steady hand behind the wheel, and who better to seize control of that wheel than the man who built the car (single-handedly, I might, or definitely will, add).

This will make home-life a bit difficult for the week, however.

Since neither Stephen nor I is married, we opt to share a bedroom. Oftentimes, I suggest upgrading to sharing a single king bed to save space, but Stephen tells me that this would be less of an upgrade and more of a downgrade, so we decide to maintain our separate twin beds.

Anytime we tell people that we share a bedroom, it always arouses negative reactions.

“Oh no, we actually share a bedroom.”

“Oh, that sucks! Why?!”

“Because, why not? We like each other. What’s the problem?”

“Don’t you get tired of each other? Don’t you want your privacy?”

“Absolutely not. We make each other better. I’m like the lock and Stephen is like the key. On our own, you can fiddle around with us a little, but you’ll get bored much more quickly than if you have both of us together. Only when we’re together do you have the dynamic duo. Alone, we’re each at around 70% energy. We only reach 100% energy when we’re together.”

“But that doesn’t answer the question about privacy….?”

“Yeah, we don’t have privacy, but we don’t particularly care. There are no secrets. I’ve seen every square inch of Stephen’s body and, let me tell you, every last square inch of his immaculate body shouts, “beefcake!” That sumbitch is sculpted, my friend. He’s an Adonis. ”

Hopefully, that gives you an idea of what life is like in the Erickson Boys’ Rumpus Room. We like to play hard, but we also like to work hard.

Have a good vacation, Stephen.

Until next time,

Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder