Opportunities are like sewing needles; if you lose one, you’re not getting it back.
This is the only visible similarity between “opportunities” and “sewing needles” that I could find.
I try to find ways to create opportunities for myself as often as possible, but oftentimes, I seem to reject the opportunities when they present themselves.
Why is this?
It’s like, I want to have a bunch of options, but I also thrive off the ability to reject those options.
Are these nothing more than short-term boosts of power camouflaged by a deep-seated enjoyment of dishing out rejections?
I’m not sure.
I don’t think this is the case, because I don’t enjoy watching people upset, and typically rejection leads to sadness.
I don’t like being rejected; I like rejecting others.
I think this is human nature.
Until next time,
Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder