If you were to drive 6 hours every day at a rate of 55 miles per hour (apologies to our metric system-using readers. A quick suggestion—maybe you should get with the times and just learn the AMERICAN system already because we (myself included) vehemently refuse to change our ways), it’d take just under 2 years to drive to the moon.
That wouldn’t be that bad, honestly.
6 hours a day?
Pop a few friends in the car, split the drive, suddenly you’re driving 6 hours every 4 days, the other 3 days of which you control the AUX cord while sitting shotgun in a Prius flying through space.
Not a bad road trip.
The only downside is that you have no access to food or water.
Fortunately, you stock enough for the first month.
After that, you’re forced to “eliminate” one friend at a time—NOT out of hatred, but out of the need to reach the required levels of caloric intake (that’s right—you’re gonna have to eat your friends. Not such a nice road trip anymore, is it?).
Until next time,
Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder