
I just saw 2 old friends run into each other on the train. It warmed my heart more than anything I’ve ever seen in my life.

The conductor, probably a 45-year old man, was taking tickets when he recognized one of the passengers, probably a 65-year old woman. Instantly, I noticed the woman was wearing an MTA jacket, indicating that the two very likely worked together.

They went right in for a big bear hug.

Initially, I thought to myself, “oh, they probably know each other.”

As they continued speaking, I realized that they haven’t seen each other in a very long time. They both looked in each other’s eyes with such a fascination and admiration—expressions that didn’t say, “I love you,” but more, “I miss you and want you in my life, platonically.”

They were so happy to see each other.

When they parted, after about 15 minutes of a very engaged conversation, they gave each other a kiss on the cheek and one final bear hug.

As a simple passenger, I was touched by the interaction, which invigorated me to proceed throughout the rest of my day accompanied only with thoughts of positivity.

I hope they get to spend the rest of their lives together, platonically.

Whenever I see friends talking, I always sense a tinge of “I can’t be totally honest with you,” or “I’m holding something back, no matter how minuscule,” but this didn’t have that.

I’ve never seen such genuine friendship. I hope to one day achieve that level of mutual respect and platonic intimacy with someone.

Until next time,

Michael J. Erickson, CEO & Co-Founder